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Chapter Seven

He loved reading. He could read all day, if it were not for the need to make a living to feed his household. But, it was the reading of words that caused the ire of word-play to rise in him. As he read you could feel the words taking their place inside. This one would squeeze in next to the pancreas, and that one would slide down behind the heart. They were in their spawning their offspring and at the same time being host to the molded growth of power and change. And, there in is the principle of what Tierney had yearned after and learned. One thing can have an effect and cause change. The thing that allowed the change to take place was a willingness to have it take place. Tierney wanted words to alter him. They did. Tierney wanted the heavens to grow out of his bowels. They did. Tierney wanted for flowers to grow forth from his very footsteps and they did. The power of purpose was in the desiring. The power of change was in the will. "For it is exceedingly near to you.

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Chapter Six

Chapter Five

Chapter Four

Chapter Three

Chapter Two

Chapter One